How the spiritual path found me…

Hi Everyone, I’m Ankrit!

A third culture kid born in barbados, raised in Nigeria studied in London, worked in Ghana and finally made my way back to London to make a difference in helping and healing others.

My spiritual journey began when I met my twin flame in 2012. By 2015 we got married and was eager to live a life of love and happiness. But that was not what the universe had in store for us.

My wife was always spiritually inclined. I was always encouraged to meditate but at that point in my life I considered it a waste of time. I believed in god, worked bloody hard and hoped for the best. That was my sole narrative.

Soon after we got married my wife was diagnosed with Anxiety, followed by Depression and Fibromyalgia in 2017. Over the next seven years I spent my time learning and understanding mental health. I took time to fully reflect on the person I was, our past and what it meant to feel trapped.

When the universe has a path for you, it has to break everything you know in order to show you the new path. This path was 7 years in the making.

Meeting my twin flame ignited an untapped potential and passion within me. She helped me reopen unhealed wounds that I needed to revisit that I had avoided and would rather not confront.

I finally understood the concept of unconditional love, emotional & spiritual suppression and the reality I was living. This is when the questioning started. I realised how conditioned I was by my environment and society. All I knew at this point was we needed a change.

The Spiritual path allowed me to learn more about myself, grow in to the person I truly am and heal everything that was holding me back. It gave me purpose, power and the courage to take back control of my life.

It allowed me to embrace my diversity, taught me about the cycles of life (and lives), the power of energy healing, breaking ancestral patterns and karmic contracts.

I was awakened to a world filled with angelic beings and gifted souls and a partner who was blessed with the gift of Multi-Dimensional Healing.

I am proud to say that I am now a qualified Hypnotherapist, Spiritual Counsellor, Life Coach, Regression healer and an intuitive oracle reader. I have dedicated my life to helping others heal from traumas that have created huge blocks in their lives, that stop them from reaching their purpose or truest potential.

My journey has allowed me to heal my past, grow in my present, learn for my future and find peace within all the mayhem and stresses of life.

Connect with me if your interested in Soul Freeing sessions!

For anyone who is seeking a powerful energy clearing, healing and upgrade, please check out The AnayahVerse.

Being a twin flame my partner has been blessed with healing on a multi-dimensional level with her angelic team and has been given the gift to align souls on to their twin flame journey as well as to manifest ones truest soul desires.