Welcome to SoulFreedom

Regression Healing

All blocks, limiting Self beliefs and Negative patterns start somewhere in our souls history. At times, our karmic patterns can even be brought in from a past life in to this life for us to clear.

Regression therapy is a form of Hypnosis where you are guided to a deep meditative state that allows you to access your subconscious and the memories it holds. It essentially allows us to travel back in time to the root of your issue. This issue can potentially be anything that is holding you back from your growth and achieving greatness.

Once you regress back to this memory (be in this or a past life), not only can you begin to heal it energetically, but to also shift your perception of it . Once you are able to understand where this block came from and why it remained with you, it then makes it easier to overcome because we know this is not who you truly are, but who you have become as a product of your environment.

How it works

  1. Resolving Unconscious Patterns: Regression healing can reveal unconscious patterns and behaviours that stem from past experiences. By addressing these patterns, you can make conscious choices and break free from automatic reactions.

  2. Reframing Past Experiences: Regression healing allows you to view past experiences from a different perspective. By reframing and understanding these experiences in a new light, you can release emotional baggage and find freedom from their emotional weight.

  3. Healing Relationships: Regression healing can provide insights into past relationships and dynamics that are impacting your current relationships. By addressing unresolved issues from the past, you can create healthier and more fulfilling connections.

  4. Self-Discovery and Empowerment: As you explore your past through regression healing, you gain a deeper understanding of yourself. This self-awareness empowers you to make conscious choices and take control of your life's direction.

Oracle Guidance Counselling

Knowing what the right decision to take at times can be extremely overwhelming. Maybe your unsure of your path right now and need some guidance or direction. Maybe you are not even aware of why you are feeling stuck or trapped when things on the outside are actually going well.

Oracle cards are a great way to investigate these challenges that you are having. They can give us insights in to knowing the right direction or decision to take. They have a great way to show us what is hidden beneath the surface and what we need to know in order to move forward. This integrated with counselling skills creates a great combination to support you through these challenges.

How it works

  1. Clarity and Insight: Oracle guidance counselling provides clarity in situations where you might feel confused or uncertain. The symbolic nature of oracle cards can offer unique perspectives, helping you see your challenges and opportunities from a different angle.

  2. Empowered Decision Making: When faced with important decisions, oracle guidance can provide valuable insights. By tapping into your intuition and the wisdom of the oracle cards, you can gain reassurance and make decisions that align with your higher self and inner wisdom.

  3. Self-Reflection and Awareness: Oracle guidance often prompts self-reflection. As you contemplate the meanings of the cards in relation to your life, you gain a deeper understanding of your emotions, motivations, and desires. This self-awareness is fundamental for personal growth.

  4. Emotional Healing: Oracle guidance can be a powerful tool for emotional healing. It can help you confront and address emotional wounds, providing a gentle way to explore past traumas or unresolved feelings. By acknowledging and understanding these emotions, you can work toward healing and inner peace.

Power Coaching

Unlock Your Potential with Power Coaching: Through my in-depth knowledge gained from learnings in spiritual healing and a decade of coaching experience in a corporate setting, I help you break barriers and tap in to your Power, liberating you from your current challenges, limiting beliefs and emotional blockages.

Power Coaching addresses your entire being, fostering harmony between your mental, physical, and spiritual aspects. This holistic approach ensures a comprehensive transformation as well as alignment between your mind, body and soul.

In these sessions, we blend spiritual practices and empowered coaching strategies to address the core of your challenges. Here we integrate the learnings and understanding from Oracle Guidance and Regression Healing to propel you forward to a life where confidence replaces doubt, purpose replaces confusion, and self-belief becomes your driving force.

How it works

  1. Deepened Spiritual Connection: For those seeking spiritual growth, Power Coaching provides a space to explore and deepen your spiritual connection. It fosters a sense of purpose and inner peace.

  2. Emotional Resilience: Power Coaching aids in emotional healing, allowing you to integrate the healing from past traumas or emotional wounds. This newfound resilience empowers you to navigate life's challenges more effectively.

  3. Boosted Confidence: Overcoming limiting beliefs results in enhanced self-confidence and self-belief. You gain the clarity and conviction needed to make important life decisions and pursue your ambitions with purpose.

  4. Self-Realization and Authenticity: Through introspection and guidance, you discover your authentic self. Power Coaching enables you to embrace your true identity, leading to increased self-awareness and self-acceptance

  5. Professional and Personal Advancement: Integrating corporate coaching expertise, Power Coaching can propel your career forward. It equips you with leadership skills, effective communication, and decision-making abilities essential for professional success.





Lack of confidence

Culture and Family Conditioning


Low self esteem

Body Dysmorphia

Relationships and Intimacy issues

Family Wounds

Abandonment issues


Loss of Identity

Attachment issues


Symptoms of Emotional abuse

Symptoms of Sexual Abuse


Symptoms of traumatic events

Getting past difficult issues that are holding you back.

SoulFreedom Sessions adhere to strict confidentiality guidelines and professional ethics. The therapist maintains the privacy and confidentiality of client information and ensures that the therapeutic relationship is built on trust, integrity, and professionalism.